Partner Spotlight


The BCCM is pleased to partner with Syndex to bring a new range of co-op informed digital registry solutions to the Australian co-operative sector. Digital management of registries is an important baseline for co-operatives seeking to maintain strong relations with members and for raising capital from members or non-members by way of shares, debentures or Co-operative Capital Units (hybrid securities). Working with Syndex is part of the BCCM’s broader commitment to help create an enabling business environment for Australian co-operatives and mutuals to grow and thrive.

As part of the Commonwealth Government-funded Co-operative Farming program, the BCCM worked with Syndex in 2021 on a pilot project to tailor registry services for Australian agricultural co-operatives. The pilot was a response to the many queries the BCCM had received from co-operatives about finding appropriate registry services that can handle unique co-operative requirements such as managing active membership rules and rebate and bonus share distributions to members. Syndex were able to bring prior experience working with co-operatives and unlisted companies in New Zealand to the fore, demonstrating a clear understanding of the purpose and principles of the co-operative sector and the ability to adapt services to the Australian co-op context.

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Investor Relations

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Share Registry

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The Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM) is the peak body for co-operatives and mutuals in Australia.

Formed in 2013 following the UN International Year of Co-operatives, the BCCM’s mission is to support the growth of its members and the wider co-operative and mutual movement in Australia through:

- advocacy to improve the policy, legislative and regulatory environment for co-operatives and mutuals and increase public awareness of the business model

- facilitating sector networking through forums and events to help co-op businesses compete and innovate

- providing and facilitating access to specialist co-operative education, information, services and advice

BCCM membership is open to Australian co-operatives and mutuals, and associate membership is open to sector peak bodies and service providers.

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Partnering with BCCM

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