June 29, 2021

Fact file: Onboarding

We enjoy meeting our new partners. Our team have the opportunity of getting to know a new business; how it works, its structure, its teams, visions and goals. Each new company has its differences and this extends to how the onboarding progresses and is accomplished. Here we run through this vital part of welcoming our newest partners.

Onboarding with Syndex - what’s it like? 

Each onboarding experience is different and is dependent on several factors. Firstly, companies take on different parts of the SaaS platform, tailoring the product to their specific needs. The components, and their preparation for use, differ. 

The registry management module is the biggest component and the prerequisite to having the investor portal and access to markets. Our onboarding process aims to move through a number of roll-out phases ending with our partner being confident and comfortable with using the platform. We believe in our product and want our users to get the most out of it, using all the functionalities and to appreciate the simplicity of what’s been built. Ultimately it’s the simplicity that will reduce their administrative time and provide great service to their investing customers.

“The data gathering and uploading can be painstaking, but by phase 3 I’m the office saviour - giving admin hours back with ‘click-of-a-button’ functionality.”

What are the phases?

We have 4 phases in the roll-out. Prior to these, contracts are signed and a new Salesforce environment unique to the new partner is created. This can take 2-3 weeks, inclusive of testing, and then the data load can commence. 

Phase 1: Introducing the data

Once we’ve discussed and gained a good understanding of the data and its sources, the crunching of data can commence. This is the most painful part of the process as data is recovered, reconciled, checked and double-checked. The timeline here depends on the number of Issues, investors or schemes to be loaded and the quality of the data. 

Phase 2: Meet your new management system

At this stage, we get to introduce the user to their unique space on the Syndex platform. We walk the user through the platform, pointing out basic navigation as well as some hidden gems. This session is easily done remotely and offers the opportunity for the user to ask questions and to some extent lead the ‘tour’ according to what is most important to them. 

Phase 3: Productivity begins

This is an exciting stage where the user gets their hands on the keyboard and the ownership journey begins. Reports can be run, new Issues loaded and business information and insights start to surface. We might also be orchestrating the investor portal roll-out to investors. It’s a brave new world, but with Syndex there to hand-hold as required.

Phase 4: Independence gained

The final stage is where we witness our users taking full control of the system, with comfort and flair. We provide ongoing support so we are never too far away, but ultimately this is the time we see our users ‘go solo’.

How long does the process take?

This is subject to a number of factors, but somewhere around 5-10 weeks. It’s obvious to state that the cleaner the data the quicker the upload, but bumps in the process are also ironed out quicker when the liaison person has a good knowledge of the data and their current business processes.  

What ongoing support do you offer?

Support is never far away! We’ve built a comprehensive help centre with over 100 articles, with a search function that quickly gets you the help you are looking for. For technical queries there is a group email monitored by our operations team and for other queries, such as platform add-ons, our partners contact their dedicated account manager. We send quarterly newsletters to update users on platform enhancements and new features.

Do you have more questions? Please get in contact for more onboarding information, as well as info relating to contracts, pricing and demonstrations.

Want to know more?

Ross Verry

Ross Verry is Syndex CEO and a shareholder. The views expressed above are purely his own. Evaluate & research your investments thoroughly.

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